NAA Seeks Applicants for the Board of Directors

Natural Areas Association (NAA) seeks individuals with expertise in human and resource management, financial management, and business development/advancement to join its board of directors. 

Apply today to support a growing organization that serves land-management practitioners who protect biodiversity in ecologically significant landscapes. Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. on Thurs., Aug. 15, 2024. For questions regarding board or committee service, contact Holli Redekop, NAA Board Development Committee Chair.

Not ready to be a board member? Consider committee service in these areas:

  • Finance
  • DEIA
  • Students
  • Board Development
  • Financial Sustainability
  • Annual Awards

NAA is committed to fostering a more diverse and inclusive environment. Our goal is to develop committees and a Board of Directors that truly reflect the diversity of natural areas professionals and the varied human communities who cherish natural areas. We invite you to join us in this important journey toward creating a more inclusive NAA and influencing Natural Areas practitioners around the nation.


Join the people who protect and manage our natural areas.